Our professional account representatives are available to assist in all areas of patient billing and collections. Using a new state-of-the art computer system we are able to process and track insurance claims efficiently and accurately.
Questions regarding your account can be directed to the Business Office by calling 618-242-3778. Office hours are Monday - Friday, 8 am - 5 pm. A patient account specialist will be eager to provide assistance.
To remain on the cutting edge of billing, collections, management, and coding - our Business Office Staff has memberships with such organizations as the American Academy of Professional Coders [AAPC] and American Association of Orthopaedic Executives [AAOE].
For a complete list of insurances that we participate with please call the Business Office.
OCSI accepts most major credit cards; MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express.

Patient Financial Policy
As health care providers we are committed to providing the best medical care possible. As a business, we are committed to providing a streamlined fiscal process that allows our patients to clearly understand their financial responsiblilty. Our Business Office is committed to providing outstanding customer service for all financial questions.
Identification - Proper identification AND insurance cards must be presented prior to service being rendered.
Commercial Health Insurance
- Co-Payments - Insurance companies require that co-payments be made at the time of service. We may notify your insurance company if you fail to pay your co-payments.
- Co-Insurance / Deductibles - As a courtesy, and if your insurance allows, we will research your insurance plan benefits. As determined by your insurance plan, prepayment for any unmet deductible and/or coinsurance amounts will be requested to be paid prior to services being rendered.
- Non-Participating Insurance - Orthopaedic Center of Southern Illinois (OCSI) does not contract with every insurance company. Patients are responsible for asking if OCSI is a participating provider with their insurance company. OCSI will bill non-participating insurances. Outstanding balances are the responsibility of the patient.
- Secondary Insurance - As a courtesy, OCSI will file to your secondary insurance carrier.
Medicare - OCSI will submit claims to Medicare, however, we may request that you sign an ABN from for non-covered services.
- If you have applied for Medicaid but have not yet been accepted, payment is expected in full when services are rendered.
Worker's Compensation
- Patients shall supply Work Comp contact information prior to services being rendered.
- If the worker's compensation claim is pending at the Commission, we may remind you of your balance due. If you fail to provide us with the appropriate claim information within 90 days, the balance will be your responsibility and full payment will be expected. Upon settlement, OCSI may resume collection efforts from the patient if the balance is not paid in full by worker's comp.
Motor Vehicle / Third Party Liablity
- Patients shall be financially responsible for medical services related to motor vehicle accidents.
- Patients should supply liablity contact information prior to services being rendered
- All insurance benefits are to be directed to the medical provider.
- By law, OCSI is required to bill any liablity insurance first if you have Medicare, Medicaid or Tricare.
- Self-pay accounts exist if patients have no insurance coverage.
- An estimated payment is required prior to your appointment. This payment must be received 1 week prior to your appointment. Any charges exceeding this amount is your responsibility and will be billed to you. At the discretion of the provider, your appointments may be rescheduled pending your ability to pay for services.
Statements / Payments
- Statements are sent to patients on a monthly basis
- Payment methods include all major credit cards, checks, money orders, and cash.
- Returned check fees: A fee of $25.00 will be charged for all returned checks.
Patients are financially responsible for all charges whether or not they are covered by an insurance policy, as well as any co-payments, co-insurance or deductibles.